I haven’t really done anything worth mentioning since last time. It’s mostly because there is literally nothing to do in this area. Nothing! Luckily they’ve got free Internet access and great food. Otherwise I’d probably have died of boredom by now…
Sorry for my lack of enthusiasm, I know I should be thankful for just being in Australia, but I could just as well have spent the last couple of days back in Norway. But you know what? I’ll stop this right now. Starting now I will stop all the whining and negativity and start exploring this amazing country for real! Also, now you can all stop thinking about me as a spoiled little brat ☺
Besides, I’m going to Uluru in one hour! I’ll tell you all about it when I get back!

P.S. I know there’s a lot if explanation marks in this post, but I can’t help it!!
Picture source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Uluru1_2003-11-21.jpg
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