
Airportwhining from a very hungry traveler

Wohoo! Can you guess where I am right now?! I’ll give you a hint, it's that continent you never remember the name of. At least I never do.

You know how I said I was planning a trip to Australia? (or maybe you don't, depends on whether you actually know me or if you're some random stalker from Russia) After two days of delays and bad weather I’m here! Going to Australia has always been a big dream of mine, but I’ve never been much of a saver so to afford the trip I had to find a cheap solution. Just to inform you; cheap flights from Trondheim to Australia isn’t something you just stumble over. Luckily, after searching the Internet for some (a lot! Seriously, you have no idea…) of hours I found an affordable flight!

Trondheim (Norway) – Amsterdam (Netherlands)– Darwin (Australia)– Alice Springs (Australia). Almost a full day of travelling, which really isn't too bad when your travelling over 15 000 km.

On schedule, excluding the flight time, it would be 1 hour and 20 minuets in Amsterdam, 6 hours and 45 minutes in Singapore (!) and then 3 hours and 5 minutes in Darwin before I would arrive in Alice Springs at half past nine in the morning. Only problem was; nothing was on time. I tried my very best to focus on this:

(The only picture of Alice Springs where it actually looks like a nice place...)

However, after being stuck in a surprisingly ugly airport (considering Singapore’s standards) I had a hard time saying “Thank you” when they finally let me on board. You guys probably don’t care about what I ate at the airports or how many weird people I had to sit with during the flight, so I’ll just skip that.

It’s now half past nine in the evening, and I’m so tired I could probably fall asleep on the back of a jumping elephant. My current location is Alice Springs, or “the Alice” as everyone who lives here calls it. Alice is located in the Northern Territory of Australia, and the main reason for me being in this city, (excuse me; town, as Wikipedia calls it, as there is only about 27 thousand inhabitants) is that it was what cost me the least to fly to.

Still, it’s kind of convenient because it isn’t so far from Uluru! Uluru is actually one of the major reasons for all the blow-ins in Alice Springs. If you don't know what a blow-in is, google it.

Tomorrow I’m going to find the fastest way out of here, but with my luck I’ll probably be stuck for another day or two before someone is willing to drive me somewhere else. Right now all I feel like doing (except sleeping) is calling room service to get a large chicken sandwich to stop that purple monster inside my stomach from making any more of those loud noises, or maybe I’ll get an icebox cake, anything containing carbs is fine with me right now.

Tune in again in a few days, I’ll keep you updated!

Picture sources:
http://www.tourism.thealice.com.au/photo-gallery.html, http://www.kidsmaps.com/geography/images/fullsized/old-map-australia.png & http://farm1.static.flickr.com/98/370205584_013d1995e6.jpg

And for those of you who couldn't figure out what a blown-in was: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Springs#Itinerant_population, better luck next time. You can always google how to learn googling...

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